Monday 11 February 2013

Understanding Curriculum

for the formulation of the curriculum, the experts put forward the understanding and views are diverse. In the classical view, the curriculum is defined as a school lesson plans. Lessons and other materials that must be taken at school, that the curriculum. George A. Beauchamp (1986) stated that: "A Curriculun is a written document roomates may Contain many ingredients, but basically it is a plan for the education of pupils during their enrollment in school given".

In the modern view, the notion of curriculum is regarded as a real experience or something that happens in the educational process, as suggested by Caswel and Campbell (1935) who said that the curriculum ... to be composed of all the experiences children have under the guidance of teachers. Confirmed again by the thought of Ronald C. Doll (1974) which says that: "... the curriculum has changed from the content of courses study and list of subjects and courses to all roomates experiences are offered to learners under the auspices or direction of school.

To accommodate these differences, Hamid Hasan (1988) argued that the concept of curriculum can be viewed in four dimensions, namely:

curriculum as an idea; generated through theories and research, particularly in the areas of curriculum and education.
curriculum as a written plan, as the embodiment of the curriculum as an idea; were inside contained on the objectives, materials, activities, tools, and time.
curriculum as an activity, which is an implementation of the curriculum as a written plan: in the form of teaching practices.
curriculum as a result is a consequence of the curriculum as an activity, in the form of achievement of the objectives of the curriculum to achieve a specific change in behavior or abilities of the learners.
In the perspective of the national education policy, as can be seen in Act System of National Education. 20 of 2003 states that: "The curriculum is a set of plans and setting the objectives, content and learning materials and methods used to guide the implementation of learning to achieve specific educational goals."

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