Saturday 16 February 2013

School Development Plan (RPS)

School Development Plan (RPS) is one manifestation of one of the functions of school management is very important, a must-have school to serve as a guide in conducting education in schools, both for the long term (20 years), medium (5 years) and short (one year)

School Development Plan (RPS) has a very important function to provide direction and guidance for school principals in order to achieve a better school goals (improvement, development) with less risk and to reduce the uncertainty of the future

National Education Standards (graduation standards, curriculum, processes, training and education, infrastructure, financing, management, and education) is an important substance in the school management system which should be planned for and accommodated as well as possible in the preparation of School Development Plan.

On that basis, the ministry has prepared a technical guide for schools in the preparation of School Development Plan, which was delivered by prof. Slamet PH. MA, MEd, MA, MLHR, Ph.D., who investigated:

Importance of School Development Plan (RPS). RPS important to have to give direction and guidance of the school principals in order for change or a better school goal (increase, development) with less risk and to reduce the uncertainty of the future.
Meaning of School Planning / RPS.Perencanaan school is a process to determine future action right school, through a sequence of choices, taking into account the resources are tersedia.RPS overview document about school activities in the future in order to achieve changes / school goals that have been determined.
Objective School Development Plan (RPS). RPS are intended to: (1) ensure that changes / school goals that have been set can be achieved with a high degree of certainty and less risk, (2) to support coordination among school actors, (3) ensuring the creation of integration, synchronization, and synergy between actors both schools, between schools and district education offices / cities, and intertemporal
School Planning System (SPS). System Planning Sekolahadalah a whole school planning procedures to produce plans for school (RPS) in the long term, medium-term and annual conducted by elements of the school and the community (represented by the school committee).
Stages of Development Planning Schools (RPS), including: (a) Conducting strategic analysis of the school environment, (b) Conduct a situational analysis to determine the status of the current situation of school education (IPS), (c) Formulate the expected level of future (d) Finding gaps between items 2 & 3, (e) Develop a strategic plan, (f) Developing an annual plan; (g) Implement the annual plan, and (h) Monitor and evaluate

Huge Learning

Quantum is studying tips, hints, techniques, and the whole procedure of studying to improve the knowing and memory, as well as a procedure to create studying fun and fulfilling. Some of the methods suggested methods enhance themselves is already popular and commonly used. However, Bobbi DePorter developing methods aimed at ultimately targeted to help students become sensitive and thrilled to face the difficulties and changes reality (related to the nature of journalism). Huge studying arises from initiatives Georgi Lozanov, instructors Bulgarian nationality.

He did an experiment called suggestology (suggestopedia). The most crucial is that suggestions can and do impact the outcome of the studying scenario, and provide everything of any good or bad recommendation. To get a good recommendation, several methods are used. The students in the class are created to be relaxed. Songs installed, they motivated further contribution. Large images, which emphasize details, fitted. Teachers are skilled in the art of training effective taking.

Suggestology concept is just like the procedure of multiplied studying, multiplied learning: that is, the procedure of studying that allows students to understand at an impressive pace, with normal effort, and associated with enjoyment. Effective studying atmosphere designed through a mixture of other components of entertainment, games, good considering, and psychological health.

"Quantum studying covers main reasons of neurolinguistic development (NLP), which is a research of how the mind arranges details. This program investigates the relationship between terminology and behavior and can be used to create the fabric of knowing of students and instructors. NLP instructors with the information to know how to use good terminology to enhance good actions - an essential aspect to activate considering processes most successfully. All of this can also show and create the best studying style of each person (Bobby De Porter and Hernacki, 1992)

Furthermore, Porter et al determine quantum studying as "the communications that convert power into mild." They mengamsalkan power energy as a significant part of every individual connections. Stating the traditional formula E = mc2, they convert power into matter example of the system that "physically is material". "As students, our goal is to get as much light: connections, relationships, motivation to produce mild energy". In this regard, mixing quantum sugestologi studying, multiplied studying methods and NLP with concepts, values, and certain methods. Including the key concepts of the idea and studying techniques, such as: the idea of right mind / remaining mind idea triune (3 in 1), the choice of methods (visual, hearing, and kinestik), the idea of multiple intelligences, natural education and learning, studying by encounter, studying with the symbol (metaphoric learning), simulator / game.

Some factors are worth noting in quantum studying is as follows. The students recognized the "power of the mind" of the unlimited. It is stated that the mind has the same prospective dimilliki by Jordan Einstein. Moreover, the evidence presented about the actual and scientific details the how the mind performs. Global Learning Through research, introduced the studying procedure was just like the technicalities of the mind of a child 6-7 years as a sponge or cloth to process the important points, actual properties, and the complexness of the terminology that screwed with "a fun and relaxed." How does the reviews factors and stimulating elements from the surroundings has designed the perfect conditions to understand. This verifies that the failure in studying, not an hurdle. Confidence to keep trying is a companion tool and motivation for achievements in the studying procedure. Every achievements needs to end with "excitement and applause."

Based on the explanation of what and how the components and structure of the mind performs, created studying model to encourage increased language, statistical, visible / spatial, bodily / taste, musical, social, intarpersonal, and instinct. How to create sensory-motor functions (through direct contact with the environment), the emotional-cognitive system (through play, replica, and the studying of the story), and a higher intellect (through care and conditioning of healthy emotional). How to take benefits of the two hemispheres of the mind considering "left and right". Left mind mind-set (which is sensible, successive, straight line, rational), for example, subject to the procedure of studying through regular tasks that are spoken concept, writing, studying, hearing association, put details and information, phonetic, and meaning. Right mind mind-set (which is unique, infrequent, user-friendly, and holistic), charged with the studying procedure associated with non-verbal information (such as feelings and emotions), attention of certain feelings (sense the presence of people or objects), spatial attention, shape and design identification, music, art, color understanding, creativeness and creation.

All that, in convert, focused on the procedure of studying the focus on growth of "positive feelings, mental faculties, achievements, and self-respect." When four components are related described. Of respect, for example, are motivated to create good psychological mental faculties, and generate achievements, and (back again) to the creation of self-respect.

Of the procedure that designed the idea of quantum studying motivation, steps promote attention in, and effective studying. Making simulator with an introduction to the idea of effective studying activities such as: "learn anything from any scenario, use what you understand to your benefits, attempting to create the unexpected happens, bending on lifestyle." This picture is juxtaposed with the idea of inactive studying which comprises of: "not can see the prospective for studying, neglecting the opportunity to grow from a chance to understand, let the unexpected happens, receiving from lifestyle. "

In this regard also, among other factors, quantum contemplate studying about "setting the stage: the right studying atmosphere." Constructing the surroundings instructed at initiatives to build and maintain a good mind-set. A good mind-set is an essential asset for studying. Learners quantum programmed into an optimal studying atmosphere, both psychologically and actually. By modifying the studying atmosphere in such a way, the students are expected to get the first step to successfully manage the chance to understand.

Structuring the studying atmosphere is separated into two: the micro and macro atmosphere. Microenvironment is where students perform studying (work and creativity). Huge studying focuses on the agreement of mild, music, and design of the room, because it was evaluated impact students to receive, process, and procedure details. It seems that the force of appearance quantum studying. However, in terms of training generally in spaces to train and learning in Philippines, it is better to focus attention to the structuring of official and arranged atmosphere such as: tables, chairs, a special position, and a position to research regularly. Target agreement is to create an atmosphere that activate comfort and relaxed feeling. Relaxed condition motivates students to be able to concentrate very well and was able to understand very easily. State of stress prevents blood circulation and the mind performs, and eventually the focus of students.

Macro atmosphere is the "world wide." Students were requested to create a studying group. They were requested to flourish the area of influence and personal power, communicate culturally to the group of attention. "The more students communicate with the surroundings, the more adept-sistuasi get over challenging situations and the easier you understand new details," had written Porter. Each student is required to definitely associate and get new stimulating elements in the surroundings, so that they have encounter building private storage pengertahuan. In addition, getting the public also means taking possibilities to come, and create possibilities if none, to the records involved in each connections procedure (to discover more about something). In the end, this connections is necessary to present the students to themselves in preparedness to create changes. They should not be set with the status quo scenario designed in the microenvironment. They were requested to flourish the studying atmosphere in the direction of something new. Understanding of getting something new will increase the "safe zone, relaxed and feel valued" from students.


Thursday 14 February 2013

Classroom Management

In one of his documents Raka Joni examines educational setting control. He said educational setting control is one of the essential skills to master instructor.

Different educational setting control studying control. Learning control more focus on planning, execution, assessment and follow-up in a study. While educational setting control is more concerned with the initiatives to make and sustain maximum conditions for the procedure of studying (building relationship, the cancellations actions of students who redirect the interest of the category, compensate, procedure achievement by students in regular basis, the organization of a effective team standards ), contains includes setting people (learners) and features.

Classroom control problems:

1. Personal problems:

Attention getting actions (patterns of attention-seeking behavior).
Power looking for actions (patterns of actions shows strength)
Revenge looking for actions (patterns of actions confirmed revenge).
Helplessness (inability demonstration).
The four individual problems will appear in various types of action or deviant actions, which will not only damage himself but also may damage another person or team.

2. Group Issues:

Less natural category, for reasons of sex, competition, socioeconomic levels, and so on.
Deviation from the standards of actions that has been previously decided.
Class responded adversely to one of its associates.
"Membombong" category associates who breach the standards of the team.
Groups tend to be redirected his interest from the procedure being worked on.
Such low spirits or display to the instructors, because they think the procedure given less reasonable. Type of disadvantaged menyesuakan to new conditions.
Approach (technique) in Classroom Management:

1. Behavior - Adjustment Strategy (behaviorism Approach)

The supposition actual the use of this procedure is that the actions of "good" and "bad" individuals is the result of studying. Memodifikasiperilaku initiatives in handling the educational setting through the supply of good encouragement (to promote good behavior) and adverse encouragement (to reduce adverse behavior). However, the use of adverse encouragement should be done carefully, because if not exactly even just going to make new problems.

2. Socio-Emotional Environment Strategy (Humanistic Approach)

The supposition actual the use of this procedure is that excellent studying and training procedure is based on the lifestyle of excellent social connections among the students - and instructors or students - students and instructors to take up an essential position for the development of socio-emotional weather conditions are excellent.

In this case, Carl A. Rogers mentioned the value of honest mind-set of instructors (realness, genuiness, congruence); accept and regard students as humans (acceptance, prizing, looking after, trust) and recognized from the perspective of the students themselves (empathic understanding).

While Haim C. Ginnot recommended that in fixing the issue, the instructor attempt to talk about the situation, not personal violators and explain what he saw and sensed, as well as explaining what needs to be done as a different.

The same thing Bill Glasser stated that instructors should help direct the students to explain the problems encountered; evaluate and evaluate the problem; remedy plan; guiding students to be dedicated to a strategy that has been created; develop the bravery to bear the repercussions "less fun", as well as help members Students make a new agreement strategy better.

Meanwhile, Rudolf Draikurs Classroom mentioned the value of Democratic Process, to offer the chance of students to be able to believe responsibility; cure students as humans can make choices smartly with all its repercussions, and offer an chance of students to appreciate the rules regulating community.

3. Group Process Approach

The supposition actual the use of this procedure is that the chance to learn occurs within the perspective of social categories and the instructor's procedure is to build and sustain a effective and natural team. Rich A. Schmuck and Patricia A. Schmuck put forward the most crucial - the most crucial of the application of the team approach, namely: (a) common objectives, (b) authority, (c) fascination (pattern friendship), (c) standard, (d) interaction, (d) cohesiveness.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Curriculum Development Approach

Curriculum growth can be done through two approaches: (1) the top-down strategy to the management design and (2) the lawn main design.

1. The management model;

This design is a design of program growth of the lengthiest and most commonly used. The idea came from program growth and academic directors use management techniques. With management power, form a Guiding Panel or program growth. Members, consists of regulators under him, education and learning professionals, program professionals, professional professions, and the management of the world of perform and business. The process group is to come up with the primary ideas, fundamentals, policy and key techniques in program growth. Furthermore, directors established Task Team composed to train and learning professionals, program professionals, professionals from the professions of college, and mature instructors, who are actually in charge of planning the program more functional ideas and describes the primary guidelines defined by the Guiding Team, such as developing objectives more functional, choose the material series, choosing learning techniques and assessment, and to create recommendations for the execution of the program for instructors. After Work Team finished the process, the results are analyzed by the Guiding Panel and other professionals or regulators of the qualified regulators.

After getting several upgrades and analyzed has been quite good, giving directors the process of developing the credibility program. Since the introduction of the above, then the design is called a design Top - Down. In practice, the required tracking, assistance and assistance. After strolling some time need to be analyzed.

2. The lawn main model;

This growth design is the other of the first design. Curriculum growth projects and initiatives, rather than coming from above but from below, that the instructors or the university. Curriculum growth design first used in the management to train and learning / program is central, while the design lawn origins will grow in the training and learning program is decentralized. In the design of growth that is lawn origins instructors, categories of instructors or instructors in the whole university program growth effort performed. Development or enhancement can be with regard to a part of the program, one or more topic matter or whole areas of research, and all elements of the program. If the condition has been possible, in terms of the ability of instructors, features costs and collection materials, program growth design of lawn main seems to be better.

This was based on the consideration that the instructors are organizers, implementers, and also falsifies the training in college. It was he who best know the needs of the category, so he is the most qualified planning program for the category.

Curriculum growth that is lawn origins, may only apply to a particular area of research or a particular university, but may also be used for the entire area of research at the university or elsewhere. Curriculum growth that is decentralized design rootsnya lawn, enabling the competitors to improve the quality and the academic program, which in turn will give beginning to humans who are more separate and innovative.

Associated with the growth of the Education Unit Level Curriculum, it seems more likely performed using the grass-root strategy design. However, in order to run an effective program growth must be reinforced by the preparedness of sources, especially recruiting available in educational institutions.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Basis of Curriculum Development

curriculum is the core of the field of education and have an influence on the entire educational activity. Given the importance of curriculum in education and human life, the curriculum can not be done arbitrarily. Curriculum requires strong foundations, based on the results of the depth of thought and research. Curriculum that is not based on a solid foundation can be fatal to the failure of the education itself. By itself, it will berkibat also to the failure of the process of human development.

In this case, Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata (1997) suggests four major cornerstone in the development of the curriculum, namely: (1) philosophical, (2) psychological, (3) socio-cultural, and (4) science and technology .. For more details , the following section describes the four premises.

Philosophical 1.Landasan

Philosophy plays an important role in the development kuikulum. Just as in the Philosophy of Education, we are introduced to the various schools of philosophy, such as: Perenialisme, essentialism, eksistesialisme, Progressivism, and rekonstruktivisme. In curriculum development was always grounded in the flow - the flow of a particular philosophy, so that will color the concept and implementation of the curriculum developed. With reference to the idea Yulaelawati Ella (2003), the below-described on the content of each of the schools of philosophy, related to curriculum development.

a.Perenialisme more emphasis on immortality, ideals, truth and beauty of the cultural heritage and social impacts certain. Knowledge is considered more important and less attention to day-to-day activities. Education who hold this ideology emphasizes the absolute truth, universal truths that are not tied to place and time. The flow is more oriented to the past.

b.Essensialisme stressed the importance of cultural inheritance and the provision of knowledge and skills to students in order to become useful members of society. Math, science and other subjects considered basics curriculum precious substance to live in the community. Similarly Perenialisme, essesialisme also more oriented to the past.

c.Eksistensialisme emphasis on the individual as the source of knowledge about life and meaning. To understand life one must understand oneself. This flow question: how do I live in the world? What is the experience?

d.Progresivisme emphasizes the importance of serving the individual differences, learner-centered, experiential learning, and process variations. Progressivism is the basis for the development of active learners.

e.Rekonstruktivisme a further elaboration of the flow of progressivism. In rekonstruktivisme, the future of human civilization is emphasized. In addition to the emphasis on individual differences such as progressivism, rekonstruktivisme further emphasis on problem solving, critical thinking, and the like. This stream will be questioned as to what to think critically, solve problems, and do something? Adherents of this school emphasizes the learning outcomes of the process.

Philosophy flow Perenialisme, essentialism, existentialism is a school of philosophy that underlies the development of subject-Academic Model Curriculum. Meanwhile, the philosophy of Progressivism provide the basis for development of Private Education Curriculum Model. Meanwhile, many rekonstruktivisme philosophy applied in the development Interactional Model Curriculum.

Each school of philosophy certainly has its drawbacks and advantages. Therefore, the practice of curriculum development, implementation philosophies tend to be in eklektif for more compromise and accommodate a variety of interests related to education. However today, in some countries, and especially in Indonesia, seems to be a shift in the foundation in the development of the curriculum, with a focus on philosophy rekonstruktivisme.

Psychological 2.Landasan

Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata (1997) suggests that there are at least two underlying psychology curriculum development: (1) developmental psychology and (2) studying psychology. Developmental psychology is the study of individual behavior with regard to its development. In the studied developmental psychology about the nature of development, phasing of development, developmental aspects, individual development tasks, as well as other matters related to the development of individuals, all of which can be used as a basis for consideration and curriculum development. Learning psychology is the study of individual behavior in the context of learning. Psychology study examines the nature of learning and theories of learning, as well as various aspects of the behavior of other individuals in the study, all of which can be used as a consideration as well as the underlying curriculum development.

Still regarding the psychological basis, Ella Yulaelawati describe psychological theories underlying the Competency-Based Curriculum. Citing thought Spencer, Ella Yulaelawati sense of competence suggests that competence is "the fundamental characteristics of someone who is a causal relationship to the reference criteria or effective and best performance in the work of a situation".

Furthermore, also raised about the 5 types of competencies, namely:
a.motif; something that one has to think consistently or desire to perform an action.
b.bawaan, ie the physical characteristics that consistently respond to various situations or information.
c.konsep themselves, ie behavior, values ​​or image someone;
d.pengetahuan, ie information which is owned by someone, and
e.keterampilan, namely the ability to perform physical and mental tasks.

The five competencies have practical implications for human resource planning or education. Skills and knowledge tend to be more visible on the surface characteristics of a person, while the concept of self, innate and hidden motives more and more deeply, and is the center of one's personality. Surface Competence (knowledge and skills) are more easily developed. Training is appropriate to ensure this capability. In contrast, innate competence and motives much more difficult to be recognized and developed.
In the context of Competency-Based Curriculum, E. Mulyasa (2002) highlighted the different aspects and characteristics of learners, He explained that there are at least five different and learner characteristics to consider in the Competency-Based Curriculum, namely: (1) differences in the level of intelligence, (2) creative differences, (3) differences in physical disability, (4) the needs of learners, and (5) growth and cognitive development.

Socio-Cultural 3.Landasan

The curriculum can be viewed as a design education. As a design, curriculum implementation and determining educational outcomes. We understand that education is an effort to prepare students to go into the community. Education is not just for education per se, but provide sufficient knowledge, skills and values ​​to live, work and achieve further development in the community.

Learners come from the community, getting both formal and informal education in communities and geared to people's lives as well. Community life, with all the characteristics and cultural richness as well as a foundation and reference point for education.
With education, we did not expect turn up man - a man who became alienated from their communities, but rather through education is expected to better understand and be able to build a life masyakatnya. Therefore, the purpose, content, and process of education must be tailored to the needs, conditions, characteristics, wealth and development in masyakarakat.

Every society each has its own socio-cultural systems that govern the life pattern and the pattern of relationships between members of the public. One important aspect of socio-cultural systems are the order of the values ​​that govern the way the Bohemian and behaved citizens. These values ​​can be derived from religious, cultural, political or other facets of life.

In line with the development of society, the values ​​that exist in the community also helped develop so that requires every citizen to make changes and adjustment to the demands of the development going on around the community.

Israel Scheffer (Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, 1997) suggests that through the study of past human civilizations knew, participated in civilization now and create the future of civilization.
Thus, the curriculum developed should consider, respond to, and based on the social - cultural in a society, whether in the context of local, national and global levels.

4.Landasan Science and Technology

At first, science and technology of the human remains relatively modest, but since the Middle Ages had great development. The discoveries of new theories continue to this day and likely will continue growing future
The human mind has been able to reach before things is something that is not possible. In ancient times, people probably would have thought it impossible that humans could set foot on the Moon, but thanks to advances in the field of Science and Technology in the mid-20th century, Apollo plane successfully landed on the Moon and Neil Armstrong was the first to successfully set foot on the Moon.
Rapid progress in the world of information and technology in the last two decades has been an effect on human civilization beyond the reach of human thought before. This influence is seen in the shift in the social, economic and political needs a new balance between the values, ideas and ways of life prevailing in global and local contexts.

Moreover, in today's knowledge age, it takes a knowledgeable society through lifelong learning with high quality standards. The nature of the knowledge and skills that must be mastered very diverse and sophisticated society, so that the required curriculum, along with meta-cognitive skills and competence to think and learn how to learn (learning to learn) to access, select and assess knowledge, and overcome siatuasi ambiguous and adaptable to the uncertainty ..

Developments in the field of science and technology, especially in the field of transport and communications have been able to change the order of human life. Therefore, the curriculum should be designed to accommodate and anticipate the pace of development of science and technology, so that students can keep pace and simultaneously develop science and technology for the benefit and survival of human

Monday 11 February 2013

Understanding Curriculum

for the formulation of the curriculum, the experts put forward the understanding and views are diverse. In the classical view, the curriculum is defined as a school lesson plans. Lessons and other materials that must be taken at school, that the curriculum. George A. Beauchamp (1986) stated that: "A Curriculun is a written document roomates may Contain many ingredients, but basically it is a plan for the education of pupils during their enrollment in school given".

In the modern view, the notion of curriculum is regarded as a real experience or something that happens in the educational process, as suggested by Caswel and Campbell (1935) who said that the curriculum ... to be composed of all the experiences children have under the guidance of teachers. Confirmed again by the thought of Ronald C. Doll (1974) which says that: "... the curriculum has changed from the content of courses study and list of subjects and courses to all roomates experiences are offered to learners under the auspices or direction of school.

To accommodate these differences, Hamid Hasan (1988) argued that the concept of curriculum can be viewed in four dimensions, namely:

curriculum as an idea; generated through theories and research, particularly in the areas of curriculum and education.
curriculum as a written plan, as the embodiment of the curriculum as an idea; were inside contained on the objectives, materials, activities, tools, and time.
curriculum as an activity, which is an implementation of the curriculum as a written plan: in the form of teaching practices.
curriculum as a result is a consequence of the curriculum as an activity, in the form of achievement of the objectives of the curriculum to achieve a specific change in behavior or abilities of the learners.
In the perspective of the national education policy, as can be seen in Act System of National Education. 20 of 2003 states that: "The curriculum is a set of plans and setting the objectives, content and learning materials and methods used to guide the implementation of learning to achieve specific educational goals."

Sunday 10 February 2013

Curriculum development is a comprehensive

Program growth is a extensive term, therein include: preparing, execution and evaluation. Program preparing is the first step in building a curriculum as curriculum workers create choices and take action to produce a plan that will be used by instructors and learners. Implementation of curriculum or curriculum execution also called tried transfer curriculum preparing into functional activities. Program evaluation is the final stage of the growth of the curriculum to determine how much studying results, accomplishment stage programs that have been structured, and the results of the curriculum itself. In creating the curriculum, not just include individuals associated directly with education and studying alone, but in it includes a lot of individuals, such as political figures, entrepreneurs, parents of learners, as well as elements - elements of community who are concerned with education and studying.

The concepts that will be used in the growth of the curriculum is basically the rules or regulations that will animate the curriculum. In creating the curriculum, can use the concepts that have been designed in everyday lifestyle or even create your own new concepts. Therefore, the execution of the curriculum in an organization very likely use different concepts to the curriculum used in other schools, which will be found a great many of the concepts used in the growth of curriculum.

In this case, Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata (1997) examines the concepts of curriculum growth are separated into two groups: (1) concepts - general principles: importance, versatility, a continual, functionality, and performance, (2) specific principles: concepts with respect to educational goals, material choice concept with respect to education and studying, the concepts about the choice of the studying procedure, the concepts about the choice of media and studying tools, and concepts with respect to the choice of the evaluation. While Asep Hernawan Herry et al (2002) recommended five concepts for curriculum growth, namely:

The concept of relevance; internal that the curriculum has importance in the curriculum elements (objectives, materials, strategies, organization, and evaluation). While on the outside the elements tersebutmemiliki importance to the requirements of technological innovation (relevance epistomologis), requirements and prospective learners (psychological relevance) as well as the requirements and needs of the growth community (relevance sosilogis).
The concept of flexibility; curriculum growth to be able to commercialize the causing qualities versatile, soft and versatile in its execution, allowing for modifications depending on the situation and the condition of the place and time that is always changing, and the ability and background bekang learners.
The concept of continuity; namely the kesinambungandalam curriculum, both top to bottom and flat in a trench. Learning encounters provided by the curriculum should pay attention to durability, both at the class stage, between stages to train and studying, and the training and studying stage with this type of perform.
The concept of efficiency; namely try to get in curriculum growth can utilize enough time, cost, and other sources that there is an maximum, carefully and precisely so the results are sufficient.
The concept of effectiveness; namely structured for curriculum growth activities create it happen without a repetitive activity, both in classifieds.
Associated with the growth of the Education Device Level Program, there are a number of concepts that must be met, namely:

Centered on the prospective, improvement, needs and passions of learners and the surroundings. The curriculum was designed depending on the most crucial that learners have a central position to develop capabilities to be able to become a human being trustworthy and pious to God Almighty, royal, healthy, experienced, experienced, creative, separate and become people of a democratic and responsible. To support the accomplishment of these goals designed proficiency growth of learners with prospective, improvement, needs and passions of learners and the requirements of the surroundings.
The curriculum was designed considering the variety of you will of learners, regional circumstances, and stages and types to train and studying, regardless of religious beliefs, competition, lifestyle and traditions, as well as socio-economic position and sex. The curriculum shall consist of the material of the charge component of the curriculum, regional material, and self-development in a and structured into significant linkages and durability, and accurate antarsubstansi.
Responsive to the growth of technological innovation, technological innovation, and art. The curriculum was designed depending on the understanding that technological innovation, technological innovation and art of growing dynamically, and therefore the spirit and material of the curriculum motivates learners to follow and create the proper growth of technological innovation, technological innovation, and art.
Relevant to the needs of lifestyle. Program growth is done by such as stakeholders (stakeholders) to ensure the importance to train and studying to the needs of lifestyle, such as public interaction, the corporate globe and the globe of perform. Therefore, the growth of personal abilities, thinking abilities, public abilities, educational abilities, and professional abilities is a necessity.
Comprehensive and ongoing. The material of the curriculum includes all size of proficiency, the field of scholarly study and topics were structured and presented antarsemua ongoing education and studying.
Lifelong studying. The curriculum is instructed to the procedure of growth, farming and power of learners who last a lifetime. The curriculum shows the relationship between the elements of official education and studying, non-formal and casual, considering the circumstances and requirements of a constantly changing atmosphere and the direction of growth of the whole person.
Balance between nationwide passions and regional passions. The curriculum was designed by considering the nationwide attention and the attention of the region to build the lifestyle of community, state and country. National passions and regional passions should supplement and encourage line with the slogan Oneness in Diversity within the structure of the Unitary Republic of Philippines.
Compliance with the concepts upon which recognized between the execution of the Education Device Level Program with the previous curriculum, which it seems is often neglected. Because of these concepts may be said to be the spirit or spirit curriculum

Saturday 9 February 2013

2013 Program Growth performed four stages

First, the internal curriculum at the Secretary of state for Education and studying and Culture (Kemdikbud), including experts and experts in education. Second, the 2013 curriculum design exposure to the Vice Chief executive as Chair of the Education and studying Panel, Wednesday (13/11) and the House of Associates Commission X on Friday (22/11). Third, the community test community reaction to process, through kurikulum2013. and print media.
Fourth, upgrades to be Program 2013. Alignment Program 2013 is an increase in the balance between proficiency and behaviour, abilities and information, according to the decided national requirements.
The reason for enhancing Program 2013 is the studying of the learners were told to search out; evaluation of output-based to process-based and outcome need additional hour lesson; many countries adding school time, and time of training in Philippines is relatively short.
2013 Core Program development, generality, and thematic-integrative. Students are motivated better in statement, asking, thinking and interacting the studying material. Expected capabilities learners have the mind-set, abilities and information are much better to face the difficulties of the times.

Friday 8 February 2013


Understanding System Development

Curriculum growth is a procedure of preparing, producing a better tool depending on the outcomes of an assessment of the curriculum that has been in force, so as to provide excellent studying and training conditions. In other words, the growth of the curriculum is to generate a new curriculum actions through a step-by-step curriculum on the basis of the assessment performed over a period of time period.

In general curriculum experts looked at the curriculum growth activity as a ongoing procedure, a cycle that involves several components, namely curriculum objectives, components, actions and assessment.

Oemar Hamalik (2001) separates the foundations of curriculum growth into eight types, among others:

In goal-oriented principle
Curriculum growth aimed at achieving a particular objective, which begins from the Nationwide academic purposes. Purpose of the curriculum is a translation and efforts to accomplish device objectives and particular levels. Objectives of the curriculum contains factors of information, abilities, behaviour and values. Which in turn promote changes in behavior of students and contains three factors related to the factors in the national education and learning objectives.

Principle of Importance (Conformity)
Curriculum growth that contains objectives, content and delivery program must be relevant (correspond) to the needs and conditions of the community, the stage of growth and the needs of students, and in balance with the growth of technology.

Principles of Efficiency Efisiensidan.
Curriculum growth should be regarded in terms of efficient and effective use of resources, time, energy, and resources available to experience optimal outcomes. Funds must be used in such a way terbat in support of the execution of studying. Enough time available for students to learn in schools is also restricted so it must be used properly according to excellent studying and training components needed. University employees is also very restricted, both in quantity and excellent, should be efficiently utilized to apply the studying procedure. In the same way, restricted indoor facilities, devices, and other legibility, must be used properly by SSWA to be able studying, all to be able to increase the effectiveness or success of students.

Principle of Flexibility
A flexible curriculum is easily tailored, changed, formulated or reduced depending on demand and the state of the environment and local abilities, so it is not fixed or firm. For example, in an academic program curriculum is provided industrial and agriculture abilities. Implementation in the city, because of the unavailability of agriculture land., Then dialaksanakan pendidikn industry abilities program. In contrast, the execution of non-urban agriculture abilities highlighted in this method. In this environment, the conditions, and the accessibility to employees and devices to be a factor regarded in the structure of the execution of the curriculum.

The concept of continuity
Curriculum consistently, meaning that the parts, aspect-spec, components, and study components organized in a series, not independent-off, but to each other pick a significant efficient relationship, according to the training and learning stage, the structure of the academic device, the stage of growth students. With this concept, it seems clear flow and linkages within the curriculum so that it makes instructors and students in applying the studying procedure.

Principle of Balance
Curriculum noticed proportionate and efficient stability between the various applications and sub-programs, the topics randomly, and the behavior factors that wants to develop. Also there should be a stability between concept and exercise, between the components of information technology, public, humanities, and behavior technology. With the stability is predicted intertwined blend of complete and thorough, which each other mutually give rise to self improvement.

Principles of Alignment
The curriculum is designed and applied depending on the most crucial of incorporation, incorporated preparing begins from the issue or topic and reliability between its components. Integrated execution by including all stakeholders, both within the college and on the inter-sectoral stage. With this incorporation is predicted to form a curved individual and unchanged. Besides, it also applied incorporation in pembalajaran procedure, both in the interaction between students and instructors and between concept and exercise.

Principles of Quality
Curriculum growth focused excellent education and learning, which indicates that the execution of excellent studying is determined by the degree of excellent of instructors, studying and training actions, devices / media excellent. The outcomes of excellent education and learning is calculated by the requirements of the national education and learning objectives predicted.

Curriculum Development Approach

Basically, the technique and the technique is different, the difference lies in the range (coverage) bahasannya. This implies that the technique is smaller than the technique. The technique is generally a technique that is set to to fix a issue, while the technique concentrates on effort and execution measures or ways of wanting to apply a technique and some appropriate method, which is performed using the methodical steps to gain employment better.

So the way to curriculum growth is a way of wanting to apply the right methods and tactics by following a methodical growth lngkah to generate a better curriculum, there are various approaches that can be used in the growth of the curriculum are:

Oriented way to studying materials
Goal-oriented approach
approach with a pattern of material organization.
While Shodih and Mulyasa (2002) suggested technique is depending on the growth of curriculum control program, focused objectives and abilities. That curriculum growth control program to differentiate between the central control program (centralized) and distributed (decentralized). while depending on the point of interest objectives recognized curriculum growth technique that encourages expertise of the information, abilities expertise requirements, expertise of abilities, individual development, and expertise of public problem-solving abilities. Competency-based technique is the growth of a curriculum that concentrates on expertise of particular abilities depending on the stages of growth of students

Thursday 7 February 2013

The Importance of Having the Emotional Needs Children

In the section we now have found that children and adolescents are more controlled by their emotions in lieu of rational and logical thinking. Emotions may explain why children and adolescents behave this way, like the self-destructive behavior. Therefore if we would like to motivate them, we have to first understand the emotions that control them and use these phones move the behavior and thinking more deceptive.

This can be a third child's emotional needs:

1. The necessity to feel SAFE
One of the strongest needs required soerang child is feeling safe. Safe on their own and their environment. Teenagers seek security by joining which has a gang of "gang" or band of their peers, engage social order most notable, and imitate his behavior.

A psychologist Dr. Gary Chapman, in their "five languages ??of affection" to mention you have a psychological love tank to become filled, more precisely if the child then the parents should fill. Children love tank is full he then would want to himself, quiet and felt safe. This could be interpreted as being a happy child together "inner" motivation.

Can we need to read and be aware of love tank? It is necessary, I often recommend the teachers and parents to learn the language of love and discover their son, herself and her partner. This I will discuss within the next article).

By way of example, motivated from the love of any mother scolding her son who was playing computer. "Stop maen computer and learn now" then what exactly is there in your thoughts the child? Maybe "Hmpf ... She did not love me, and even control me and preoccupation" Well, son go being a negative thing, communication is normally destroys the love at the bottom of the problems parents and kids and teachers.

"Loved a child is not the identical to the child feel loved"

What causes the advantages of security isn't met?
• Comparing kids with relatives kinds
Once we say "why are unable to you keep the room as the sister", "why are unable to you are writing neatly Rudi". Will get older feeling rejected, not accepted, they may think "daddy / mommy is happier with ..." it fosters an attitude of love with himself and seriously considered another person. They think safe to be somebody else, never to feel comfortable and safe being herself.

• Criticize and fault finding
Once we say: "you little fool, what's wrong along with you? Why can't you do anything right? "
Certainly, will cause feelings of resentment, no sense of safety within the home (if this happens often at home).

• Physical violence and verbal
I think no requirement to explain anymore, this has been a number of us have been faced with in newspapers as well as on television news, and the dangers or consequences too often we come across in the news. If you have no security in the home, then a child will seek shelter to meet up with their security out of all wrong places. As well as the kids will perform anything to fully grasp this security, seeking attention inside wrong way.

2. The need for recognition (feeling important) and accepted or loved

Rarely do parents make their kids feel important and recognized at your home. Instead many parents who make their kids feel smaller than average insignificant using the threat: "better do your homework now, or ..."

Precisely what is inside mind of the child if treated that way? We parents could well be happy if kids do what we command, but you will find those young minds are lost by doing what they're told parents like that. Numerous children who delayed or failed to do the concepts assigned parents (even though the threat) to satisfy the emotional needs for recognition.

A stern warning to parents: If your child won't feel loved and accepted by their parents, they shall be compelled to take a look out of all wrong places.

The need of any child to become recognized also to be loved is indeed strong, that they may do one thing to be. Should they do not get the recognition it decently it is going to discover the wrong way and the wrong place. This need has prompted some children and teens to use a tattoo, another child, joined the gang of bullies, with flashy colors dyed hair, acting like a clown and comedian. It's generally troublesome themselves, but for the sake of gaining recognition and acceptable (to obtain attention).

You can find extreme cases on 16 April 2007, a student from the U.S. Virginia Tech, Cho Seng-hui. Shot and killed 32 students. What drives this behavior, so he did something so incredible crazy? He did just like it takes recognition and a sense worth addressing so great, although not fulfilled by those that ignored and insulted. It forced him out from the realm of logic and claimed the lives of others in addition to himself, in their mind he thinks it's better to die using the name in the living just isn't bad as anyone.

3. The necessity to control (feeling or wish for self-control)

Since the development of children, while search for identity and independence while assembling through the parent. This procedure creates a difficult need to be free and independent.

So rest room kids don't want to become dictated as to the to accomplish. They aren't "slang" to be handled by parents. By listening to moral support of these parents to treated as being a child. This explains why the kids listen to their friends and uncle or aunt (uncle or aunt) who had previously been younger than his very own parents.

Parents are smart, is not going to give up for this. How to provide direction understanding that the infant's parents want to hear? By using communication it doesn't mean forcing a young child to advice us. Pass as though they study and give your very best by themselves and never for people. they will be more excited and motivated this way. And above all, our kids love the tank meets every day and be sure children are always full as i arise wake and when it is bedtime. Doing this a child knows who understand and love, in order to whom he's going to think about it if needed that you listen, that we are his parents.

Reap the benefits of these details, recognize the emotional needs in our children. Be responsive to where when children need acceptance, the requirement to control things, and want to be safe. Use words which have been appropriate to satisfy those needs, the following advice and the way to meet a child's basic emotional needs:

1. Sense of security:
• Quiet safe along with you dear papa, mama will accompany you, hey ... papa here will keep you dear

2. Sense of acceptance or a family member:
• Come up with a habit of looking at the eyes when actually talking to a child, eye contact is key is flat or "eye love"
• Tap the shoulder while talking or any kind origin polite, to exhibit that any of us are together and nearby the child
• Keep abreast (substitute line using the child or kneel)
• Say: no matter what papa / mama still adore you, you're still champ papa / mama, papa eyes / mama you're the most amazing

3. The desire to control:
• If possible, if you see your kids needs to take a step yourself then please allow
• Actually this is a learning process for himself and the future can be very useful today
• Valuation on the kid are going to be higher, as diligent to provide control towards the child, as the child could operate with no help (obviously, a secure activity for the discretion on the parent)
• Take special time to move and control, and watched with affection, ie children aged 2-3 years'm eating alone, planning to school alone, as well as others

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Sorts - Child Personality Types

This time we're going to discuss the various components that are not less important may be the section on personality, this can be the foundation of a child's character formation. Why do we should instead discuss personality, personality is a component of person which is very unique for the reason that we have a substantial tendency to retort to everything. By having the personality in the child implies that we have now shortened our time and energy to second-guess, seeking to know and understand our kids, we can be much easier to understand children with attention personality typology. Well in this article I will use tipelogi personality is extremely much as used by family therapists, from the manager or HRD practitioners in human resources to investigate one's personality. Human personality is split into four major categories, namely korelis, sanguinis, Phlegmatic and melancholic.

Choleric personality type represents a good then are likely to lead, well he was a born leader. Naturally born leaders so Choleric. Characteristics To the issue, he wants everything done fast and without delay, he did not tergiversate but in the extreme point is he could become too dominant and too set, too controlling, to ensure others cannot stand it. After which he wanted everything done right away after which it it might be she forgot a number of the details about giving her a very issues that has to be done. That's true Choleric personality type. Choleric people would clothe themselves with a practical, simple, isn't related to the type of clothing but more concerned with the function of clothes. Along with the Choleric usually very upright seat once also it runs very upright using your head held up. The truth is it has the personality of each one individual measure, it truly is less likely we're to uncover someone who truly Choleric. That is certainly a hundred percent Choleric when it's in others it really is zero everything. Children who's going to be Choleric, normally have a robust motivation from the inside, the term "I am aware things i want". If you wish to drive them, show benefits for youngsters should they accomplish that. E.g.: "In the event you tutoring English language it truly is easy for you to be aware of the foundations on the game are sometimes poor and also you do, there are several similar games that individuals can begin to play."

The following style of personality is Sanguine. Sanguine is really a bright, cheerful, can hear sounds even before seeing the individual, a scene once and if wearing extremely colorful clothing usually festive with a lot of accessories, well sanguinis is usually a individual that loves to function as focal point. In the event you visit a celebration and saw a guy between others, telling stories, all cheered and laughed, then people are told a sanguinis. Yes, sanguinis is the center of attention. If you see people dressed sanguinis bright colors and several accessories, she'd stop uncomfortable by using it all even he would have liked, because he then can attract a person's eye of others. Sanguinis People would walk by her style is cheerful all of which will turn to the suitable and throw left many smiles to people around him. A young child is really a child sanguinis very happy to experience and hang out with lots of of his friends. Happy about the game of "outdoor" or of pleasant. Certainly simple to use for you to translate my language related to children sanguinis.

Type Choleric and sanguine types are Extrovert type, the sort that is open to everyone. People sanguinis so very open, so it could be a story with regards to a many things along with other people and then could easily forget. Sanguinis people so easily forget his promise as well as so easily he'll immediately apologize. Choleric everyone is not gonna get it done, he'll prestige to apologize to us. But essentially they may be things that are open, extroverted people. Next we're going to discuss that part covered Introvert personality. On this section there's two types of two tipelogi personality and personality is Melancholy Phlegmatic.

Melancholy is a neat, usually writing industrious, neat, complete, detail just as if they school their records usually be borrowed by his friends. And he'll possess a neat grooming styles, no strand of hair that had been combed out ok as arranged everything neatly constantly in place. A melancholy always very neatly dressed in the least, and such as color added color with matching color combination. Techniques 't be vain, meaning he will not wearing green subordinates and it bright yellow. He's going to consider everything, that's the melancholy. If something may very well be buried harbored for an extended time, ngambeknya can be very very long time, though the melancholy can be quite detailed, so just as in data and facts. Well that's a melancholy. He was this expert inside the planning and expert in the analysis. The characteristics of highly visible melancholy child can be a child is extremely organized, like neatness, I end up watching them academically is a smart and intelligent child. Kids love melancholy "control" everything yourself. Sometimes determining that will be wearing clothes, eat this afternoon, etcetera. They generally like to remind us, in case you left the surrounding lights switched off, TV or laptop is powered down.

Then this other personality is Phlegmatic. Phlegmatic is really a personality who wants to it is able to inside order given, if it is already so yes this doesn't need another dipikirin, well simply follow. That Phlegmatic, a faithful follower type. She could bear to take a seat all day doing something for the days, weeks and months where it can not be achieved by someone or maybe a Choleric sanguinis. They will not bear to sit down all day, days, weeks, months doing the same over and over. Phlegmatic perfectly suitable for do all of it, very loyal which enables it to be trusted with secrets. That individual Phlegmatic, there're very easy to put together these are very tolerant. Phlegmatic Should you have kids, you are able to say "boy now eat yes", "yes" if you are busy, it is possible to say, "Son, now Mama was busy, later wrote feeding yes", "yes" Phlegmatic youngsters are not planning to sue you. It will be not the same as the child Choleric "kid eating later yes", "no! I wants it now "That child Choleric. Phlegmatic Children usually tend to be quiet and succumb. Sometimes they avoid conflict and frequently volunteered wrote to borrow equipment and infrequently times feel "guns can be harmful" to ask.

If you are be aware of typology Choleric, sanguine, melancholy and Phlegmatic nah something we must know could there be is no single personality typology surpasses additional. This would mean everybody has four numbers of personality typology. Inside us there's an component of melancholy, it comes with an element Phlegmatic, Choleric and there is no part of its elements sanguinis. It is simply at the point where i am dominant and that is what shapes us, that maybe what distinguishes us from others. Well variable or content of any personality differences causes us to so unique. We're not prone to have the identical composition, things are so different. Plus the most important thing, it's just like I'd been praoclaiming that there's nothing good, nothing bad here. That there is presently we're not alert to handling who after which we can easily not set up a communication, this is due to we can not understand the perception.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Instilling Character Education Nation Is usually a Priority

Educating the characters are unique discussion, why do unique? As a result discussion might be "run" anywhere when we're speaking about humankind. Plus the problem of man's work is endless, from birth to death man many miraculous events along with embarrassing happened in the life.

Humans are an important factor in developing a good life. Every day life is good and prosperous it might be shaped and created. Now you ask , tips on how to shape it?

Form the habit. For example, in Hong Kong traffic congestion in Jakarta seruwet, even often slack and swing. Having a population around 8.8 million vehicle traffic in Hong Kong, including swing, even a busy day as well swing. What individuals hongkong do not have a vehicle? No, apparently in Hong Kong there are 2 lives, lifespan worldwide above as well as the world below. The entire world is a world i mean roll, but the world is a subway line or the subway.

Obviously denser transport activity from the underworld. Most Hong Kong residents begin using these facilities. Although solid, even so the These are very organized. Exit from the right side door and passenger enter through a side door left, neat and orderly. How could this happen?

Turns out this is a process of habituation, it's been the habit since a kid in grade school, the institution teaches these regularities when young. There're acquainted with accomplishing this, in order that later we were holding used. The various readers also, you probably know how long can be form a personality such as this? Is a few months? twelve months? It requires a reasonably long process and requirements to become cultivated.

Indonesia incorporates a common ancestor hospitality and politeness in relationships with peers and their daily lives. But why to back (now), the significance than it all faded? Australia, Aboriginal, there're far and away not civilized and considerably more brutal than our ancestors, but now they are inside the group of countries which are very regular and standard of living may very well prosper. Said a pal who explained. I also remembered when my colleague rather my thesis supervisor after i got home from Australia and that we met in 2012. He explained, during floods that crippled Brisbane, my lecturers including a lucky man because he lived in a very flat that has been a little high and would not must evacuate. "People there aren't selfish, the remaining residents in joining together, whether they comprehend it you aren't. Every door they knock the type of material they offer food and blankets, must what we need, they shared so easily and willingly "," of your house a unique disaster management officer revive the house you? "Asked about, 'no, it's neighbors I'm a similar boat by himself, plus they usually do not have a home in refugee camps "I shudder to listen for the storyplot. How to live side-by-side that adheres to that and treat others who are not native to Australia enjoy it, no strings attached.

But only if we might become our neighboring countries, the good thing about life and togetherness. Until finally I had been told undeniable that creates my brain "cramp" moment. It been found to coach and instill that attitude inside our neighboring country it will take at least 16 years, continuously and consistently. Also to educate the youngsters to learn and write and count at most six months. Parents australia wide, tend not to bother if their kids can not read, because it will be covered over the following few months, however the discipline and character building are applied as early as possible, they knew it had been more vital than simply read when he was 3 -5 years.

Hopefully this is useful, it may bring enlightenment and best for our country, and maintain the spirit and emerge character education in Indonesia.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Incredible importance of Environmental Building Character

Lots of emails that arrived and asked exactly what the secret weapon to success Character Education. Well, on this occasion we'll discuss the main element, we will discuss the value of a host that is characteristic to the success of Character Education. You agree that in order to achieve quality education and maximum characters, starting with building a host characterized?

Well, before we review, I've heard a vintage adage says: if we're friends using the seller of perfumes, then we are going to come scented. While friends with all the fishmonger, then we're going to go amis. We will reflect for a moment. Actually, the phrase is a great fit describe the role in the environment in our lives. Environment largely determines the formation in the character of a person. Positive environment can shape us into positive personal character, otherwise the negative and unhealthy can form a damaging personal anyway. The area carries a crucial role in building individual characters inside it.

A little boy who helpful to say dirty, obviously he copied through the surroundings. You don't need to far to consider the reason for your child is attached to saying dirty. Course it is just a result of mimicking environment. To correct this, you best tackle the issue from your source. To face the illness, jangannya waiting for one of your respective loved ones sick and then address it. Are certainly not you best set out to manage a healthy lifestyle, so that the disease will never invade and infect you. This is exactly what After all by addressing the problem with the source.

Then, if the method of obtaining the issue our little ones say dirty? Most likely, you certainly will govern your children to stop saying dirty, of course , if your son or daughter back to repeat and non-compliance with the order, you may hit it. However, your kids actually intensified as they has not been given the right to govern themselves. You simply won't be easy must the boy who utilized to say dirty to avoid saying, while other people also do exactly the same. Thereto end, the stage that the perfect solution is is to make a healthy environment for children and those who are now living in it.

Environment characterized is important for growth of anyone. Environment that's characterized by the creation of a place that supports the realization of values ??from the lives in the characters, a case of the characters love of God and His creation, independence and responsibility, honesty / trust, diplomatic, respectful and polite, generous, like mutual assistance, international logistic support / cooperation while others. Character isn't just for the stage of recognition and knowledge of the course, however it becomes a habit inside their daily lives.

Perhaps in mind imagine how difficult it really is to make the character. All the should begin as self be next inherited. Self have to be addressed first before fixing others. Become accustomed to produce a positive mindset, make good habits, build self unyielding character and so forth. In everyday life inside our family to get employed to apply those values. For example, once was honest and ready to accept children, giving children an opportunity to make the decision the pad obtained in home decor, invite children to barter regarding the tutoring school, and invite children to that role in completing household chores. It's the main procedure for creating a child's character. Salinglah mutual help among members of the family. Familiarize children explore themselves. Giving children the ability to generate decisions by themselves. This is a democratic process in the household.

Kebiaasaan such positive practices could eventually be passed because of the child inside larger social environment, ie in schools and communities. Family members may be the first institution where children build character. We as parents should apply the upbringing and education of healthy and well in the family. This way, our youngsters have embedded personal personality will probably be spreading the positive character with the environment. In school, character education also need to be realized in every one of the learning process, for example teaching methods, curriculum, assessment, and others.

Ever give your sons or daughters the opportunity to adopt any time to learn? Or encourage your kids to pursue their talents and interests they have got. Actually the opportunity to hang out with peers may be the character continuing development of children. By mingling, children will discover to know themselves yet others. Thus he will learn to build relationships with others plus the environment.

Inside the school environment the scholars actually have a container kind of development and character building themselves through extracurricular activities. Extracurricular education is often a methods to develop a sense of responsibility, social skills and interaction, tolerance, cooperation and others.

However, good demands of school having a number of subjects and working out for the nation's Examination has brought the time to produce them. Does one include only parents who encourage their kids to keep to master and ignore its interests and hobbies? If that's so, hurry-hurry to alter your point of view and present opportunities for the children to share with you their time learning and playing.

The fact ones success isn't just based on the performance from the school should become aware of. It's correct that the power to establish relationships and emotional intelligence largely determines the entire process of self-improvement and success.

If that's so, why don't we create the character. Thus, the youngsters of our future generations would be the character that will not surrender when faced tantangn in their life. And they will always optimistic of success with stock values ??that were a part of a place characterized it.

Friday 1 February 2013

Importance of Character Education on this planet of Education

Character education, it's absolutely necessary besides in school, but both at home and within the social environment. Even now, the participants aren't character education early childhood to adolescence, but in addition in adulthood. Essential for your survival of the nation.

Imagine what sort of competition that appeared in 2021? What's clear is that we're going to turn into burden, and parents today. Then, your children of today will face competition from his colleagues from about the country on this planet. In fact we're still going to work year will be feeling exactly the same. The demands of recruiting in 2021 would require good character.

However, the smoothness is the vital thing to individual success. From the study in the usa, 90 % of cases come from the dismissal of bad behavior as irresponsible, dishonest, and poor interpersonal relationships. In addition, there are other studies that indicate that 80 percent of the person's success in society depends upon the emotional quotient.

How about our nation? How about the successor to the people who're now on the chair this important local government as well as the seat is very important that handling the economy of the country? They have showed good character qualities and comforting our hearts? Are we able to believe, at some point we hand the baton to them, chances are they'll have the ability to run well or simply one other?

At a psychological standpoint, I view a decline kulaitas "psychological age" in children aged 21 years in 20 011, with children aged 21 in 2001. The intention of psychological age would be the day of maturity, age appropriateness and decency are directly proportional to biological age. Should the child is actually 21 years of age if they are as little as 12 or 11 years. Sorry if it shocking and painful.

Though don't assume all, but a majority of I've met have such tendency. I repeatedly work with kids that age, and also the the desired info is lower than the absolute maximum. I can't "throw in the towel" air repeatedly to do business with them. And also accident I came across this pattern has a tendency to repeat, I observe and evaluate their behavior and character. Again remember, school is often not given education to above other sellers on earth of labor. So there was a survey nevertheless the common after-school a youngster needs 5-7 years to adapt to the concept of work and also the average in five-7 years work moves to 3-5 times. Hmm .. as well as the process is frequently termed as particles looking for identity. Question My business is looking "self" in self and out it yourself? "My job fitting what? Do this kerjain lah "then which is not suitable to relocate to a new. You could start to taught in schools, so the children sleep in real life do not have problems, sometimes desperate as a consequence of growing feelings of inadequacy in her own lifetime and imprisoned by the false belief.

Okay to this issue, will be the character values ??of human behavior related Almighty God, ourselves, our fellow world, the earth and national manifested in thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words, and actions dependant on religious norms, laws , manners, culture and customs.

For Indonesia today, character education entails making earnest efforts, systematic and sustainable approach to awaken and strengthen the awareness and reassurance that every Indonesian people won't have an improved future devoid of the build and strengthen the type of the people of Indonesia. Put differently, there's no a much better future is possible without honesty, without increasing self-discipline, without persistence, without worrying about spirit of high learning, without developing a sense of responsibility, without fostering unity amidst diversity, minus the spirit of leading to the progress, and with no sense of confidence and optimism. That is our challenge Indonesian nation, are able it?

Theodore Roosevelt said: "To educate anyone as the primary goal rather than in Morals is always to educate a menace to society" (Educating someone within the intelligence aspect and never the moral aspect is mara-hazard threat to the public)