Saturday 16 February 2013

School Development Plan (RPS)

School Development Plan (RPS) is one manifestation of one of the functions of school management is very important, a must-have school to serve as a guide in conducting education in schools, both for the long term (20 years), medium (5 years) and short (one year)

School Development Plan (RPS) has a very important function to provide direction and guidance for school principals in order to achieve a better school goals (improvement, development) with less risk and to reduce the uncertainty of the future

National Education Standards (graduation standards, curriculum, processes, training and education, infrastructure, financing, management, and education) is an important substance in the school management system which should be planned for and accommodated as well as possible in the preparation of School Development Plan.

On that basis, the ministry has prepared a technical guide for schools in the preparation of School Development Plan, which was delivered by prof. Slamet PH. MA, MEd, MA, MLHR, Ph.D., who investigated:

Importance of School Development Plan (RPS). RPS important to have to give direction and guidance of the school principals in order for change or a better school goal (increase, development) with less risk and to reduce the uncertainty of the future.
Meaning of School Planning / RPS.Perencanaan school is a process to determine future action right school, through a sequence of choices, taking into account the resources are tersedia.RPS overview document about school activities in the future in order to achieve changes / school goals that have been determined.
Objective School Development Plan (RPS). RPS are intended to: (1) ensure that changes / school goals that have been set can be achieved with a high degree of certainty and less risk, (2) to support coordination among school actors, (3) ensuring the creation of integration, synchronization, and synergy between actors both schools, between schools and district education offices / cities, and intertemporal
School Planning System (SPS). System Planning Sekolahadalah a whole school planning procedures to produce plans for school (RPS) in the long term, medium-term and annual conducted by elements of the school and the community (represented by the school committee).
Stages of Development Planning Schools (RPS), including: (a) Conducting strategic analysis of the school environment, (b) Conduct a situational analysis to determine the status of the current situation of school education (IPS), (c) Formulate the expected level of future (d) Finding gaps between items 2 & 3, (e) Develop a strategic plan, (f) Developing an annual plan; (g) Implement the annual plan, and (h) Monitor and evaluate

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