Friday 8 February 2013


Understanding System Development

Curriculum growth is a procedure of preparing, producing a better tool depending on the outcomes of an assessment of the curriculum that has been in force, so as to provide excellent studying and training conditions. In other words, the growth of the curriculum is to generate a new curriculum actions through a step-by-step curriculum on the basis of the assessment performed over a period of time period.

In general curriculum experts looked at the curriculum growth activity as a ongoing procedure, a cycle that involves several components, namely curriculum objectives, components, actions and assessment.

Oemar Hamalik (2001) separates the foundations of curriculum growth into eight types, among others:

In goal-oriented principle
Curriculum growth aimed at achieving a particular objective, which begins from the Nationwide academic purposes. Purpose of the curriculum is a translation and efforts to accomplish device objectives and particular levels. Objectives of the curriculum contains factors of information, abilities, behaviour and values. Which in turn promote changes in behavior of students and contains three factors related to the factors in the national education and learning objectives.

Principle of Importance (Conformity)
Curriculum growth that contains objectives, content and delivery program must be relevant (correspond) to the needs and conditions of the community, the stage of growth and the needs of students, and in balance with the growth of technology.

Principles of Efficiency Efisiensidan.
Curriculum growth should be regarded in terms of efficient and effective use of resources, time, energy, and resources available to experience optimal outcomes. Funds must be used in such a way terbat in support of the execution of studying. Enough time available for students to learn in schools is also restricted so it must be used properly according to excellent studying and training components needed. University employees is also very restricted, both in quantity and excellent, should be efficiently utilized to apply the studying procedure. In the same way, restricted indoor facilities, devices, and other legibility, must be used properly by SSWA to be able studying, all to be able to increase the effectiveness or success of students.

Principle of Flexibility
A flexible curriculum is easily tailored, changed, formulated or reduced depending on demand and the state of the environment and local abilities, so it is not fixed or firm. For example, in an academic program curriculum is provided industrial and agriculture abilities. Implementation in the city, because of the unavailability of agriculture land., Then dialaksanakan pendidikn industry abilities program. In contrast, the execution of non-urban agriculture abilities highlighted in this method. In this environment, the conditions, and the accessibility to employees and devices to be a factor regarded in the structure of the execution of the curriculum.

The concept of continuity
Curriculum consistently, meaning that the parts, aspect-spec, components, and study components organized in a series, not independent-off, but to each other pick a significant efficient relationship, according to the training and learning stage, the structure of the academic device, the stage of growth students. With this concept, it seems clear flow and linkages within the curriculum so that it makes instructors and students in applying the studying procedure.

Principle of Balance
Curriculum noticed proportionate and efficient stability between the various applications and sub-programs, the topics randomly, and the behavior factors that wants to develop. Also there should be a stability between concept and exercise, between the components of information technology, public, humanities, and behavior technology. With the stability is predicted intertwined blend of complete and thorough, which each other mutually give rise to self improvement.

Principles of Alignment
The curriculum is designed and applied depending on the most crucial of incorporation, incorporated preparing begins from the issue or topic and reliability between its components. Integrated execution by including all stakeholders, both within the college and on the inter-sectoral stage. With this incorporation is predicted to form a curved individual and unchanged. Besides, it also applied incorporation in pembalajaran procedure, both in the interaction between students and instructors and between concept and exercise.

Principles of Quality
Curriculum growth focused excellent education and learning, which indicates that the execution of excellent studying is determined by the degree of excellent of instructors, studying and training actions, devices / media excellent. The outcomes of excellent education and learning is calculated by the requirements of the national education and learning objectives predicted.

Curriculum Development Approach

Basically, the technique and the technique is different, the difference lies in the range (coverage) bahasannya. This implies that the technique is smaller than the technique. The technique is generally a technique that is set to to fix a issue, while the technique concentrates on effort and execution measures or ways of wanting to apply a technique and some appropriate method, which is performed using the methodical steps to gain employment better.

So the way to curriculum growth is a way of wanting to apply the right methods and tactics by following a methodical growth lngkah to generate a better curriculum, there are various approaches that can be used in the growth of the curriculum are:

Oriented way to studying materials
Goal-oriented approach
approach with a pattern of material organization.
While Shodih and Mulyasa (2002) suggested technique is depending on the growth of curriculum control program, focused objectives and abilities. That curriculum growth control program to differentiate between the central control program (centralized) and distributed (decentralized). while depending on the point of interest objectives recognized curriculum growth technique that encourages expertise of the information, abilities expertise requirements, expertise of abilities, individual development, and expertise of public problem-solving abilities. Competency-based technique is the growth of a curriculum that concentrates on expertise of particular abilities depending on the stages of growth of students

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