Sunday 10 February 2013

Curriculum development is a comprehensive

Program growth is a extensive term, therein include: preparing, execution and evaluation. Program preparing is the first step in building a curriculum as curriculum workers create choices and take action to produce a plan that will be used by instructors and learners. Implementation of curriculum or curriculum execution also called tried transfer curriculum preparing into functional activities. Program evaluation is the final stage of the growth of the curriculum to determine how much studying results, accomplishment stage programs that have been structured, and the results of the curriculum itself. In creating the curriculum, not just include individuals associated directly with education and studying alone, but in it includes a lot of individuals, such as political figures, entrepreneurs, parents of learners, as well as elements - elements of community who are concerned with education and studying.

The concepts that will be used in the growth of the curriculum is basically the rules or regulations that will animate the curriculum. In creating the curriculum, can use the concepts that have been designed in everyday lifestyle or even create your own new concepts. Therefore, the execution of the curriculum in an organization very likely use different concepts to the curriculum used in other schools, which will be found a great many of the concepts used in the growth of curriculum.

In this case, Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata (1997) examines the concepts of curriculum growth are separated into two groups: (1) concepts - general principles: importance, versatility, a continual, functionality, and performance, (2) specific principles: concepts with respect to educational goals, material choice concept with respect to education and studying, the concepts about the choice of the studying procedure, the concepts about the choice of media and studying tools, and concepts with respect to the choice of the evaluation. While Asep Hernawan Herry et al (2002) recommended five concepts for curriculum growth, namely:

The concept of relevance; internal that the curriculum has importance in the curriculum elements (objectives, materials, strategies, organization, and evaluation). While on the outside the elements tersebutmemiliki importance to the requirements of technological innovation (relevance epistomologis), requirements and prospective learners (psychological relevance) as well as the requirements and needs of the growth community (relevance sosilogis).
The concept of flexibility; curriculum growth to be able to commercialize the causing qualities versatile, soft and versatile in its execution, allowing for modifications depending on the situation and the condition of the place and time that is always changing, and the ability and background bekang learners.
The concept of continuity; namely the kesinambungandalam curriculum, both top to bottom and flat in a trench. Learning encounters provided by the curriculum should pay attention to durability, both at the class stage, between stages to train and studying, and the training and studying stage with this type of perform.
The concept of efficiency; namely try to get in curriculum growth can utilize enough time, cost, and other sources that there is an maximum, carefully and precisely so the results are sufficient.
The concept of effectiveness; namely structured for curriculum growth activities create it happen without a repetitive activity, both in classifieds.
Associated with the growth of the Education Device Level Program, there are a number of concepts that must be met, namely:

Centered on the prospective, improvement, needs and passions of learners and the surroundings. The curriculum was designed depending on the most crucial that learners have a central position to develop capabilities to be able to become a human being trustworthy and pious to God Almighty, royal, healthy, experienced, experienced, creative, separate and become people of a democratic and responsible. To support the accomplishment of these goals designed proficiency growth of learners with prospective, improvement, needs and passions of learners and the requirements of the surroundings.
The curriculum was designed considering the variety of you will of learners, regional circumstances, and stages and types to train and studying, regardless of religious beliefs, competition, lifestyle and traditions, as well as socio-economic position and sex. The curriculum shall consist of the material of the charge component of the curriculum, regional material, and self-development in a and structured into significant linkages and durability, and accurate antarsubstansi.
Responsive to the growth of technological innovation, technological innovation, and art. The curriculum was designed depending on the understanding that technological innovation, technological innovation and art of growing dynamically, and therefore the spirit and material of the curriculum motivates learners to follow and create the proper growth of technological innovation, technological innovation, and art.
Relevant to the needs of lifestyle. Program growth is done by such as stakeholders (stakeholders) to ensure the importance to train and studying to the needs of lifestyle, such as public interaction, the corporate globe and the globe of perform. Therefore, the growth of personal abilities, thinking abilities, public abilities, educational abilities, and professional abilities is a necessity.
Comprehensive and ongoing. The material of the curriculum includes all size of proficiency, the field of scholarly study and topics were structured and presented antarsemua ongoing education and studying.
Lifelong studying. The curriculum is instructed to the procedure of growth, farming and power of learners who last a lifetime. The curriculum shows the relationship between the elements of official education and studying, non-formal and casual, considering the circumstances and requirements of a constantly changing atmosphere and the direction of growth of the whole person.
Balance between nationwide passions and regional passions. The curriculum was designed by considering the nationwide attention and the attention of the region to build the lifestyle of community, state and country. National passions and regional passions should supplement and encourage line with the slogan Oneness in Diversity within the structure of the Unitary Republic of Philippines.
Compliance with the concepts upon which recognized between the execution of the Education Device Level Program with the previous curriculum, which it seems is often neglected. Because of these concepts may be said to be the spirit or spirit curriculum

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